Funders and Foundersに「Why to Not Not Start a Startup」(なぜスタートアップを始めてはいけないか)という記事がありましたので日本語に訳してみました。
Funders and Founders「Why to Not Not Start a Startup」

By: Chris Potter
Funders and Foundersというサイトがあります。起業やスタートアップ、資金調達や投資、成功や失敗に関する情報をインフォグラフィックスでビジュアルにわかりやすく表現しています。
その中に「Why to Not Not Start a Startup」(なぜスタートアップを始めてはいけないか)という記事があり、起業してはいけない16の理由やタイミングをまとめていましたので日本語に訳してご紹介します。
ちなみに、オリジナルは起業家・投資家のPaul Graham(ポール・グレアム)の2007年のエッセイ「Why to Not Not Start a Startup」(なぜスタートアップを始めてはいけないか)です。もう10年近く前のエッセイですが、今も使えそうな教訓がまとめられています。
また、ポール・グレアムの2006年のエッセイ「The 18 Mistakes That kill Startups」(スタートアップを殺す18の理由)については別記事にまとめています。合わせてお読みください。
みんなの教科書記事 起業したスタートアップやベンチャーが失敗する18の原因
みんなの教科書記事 起業して成功するために起業家が知っておくべき23の投資家の考え方
なお、ポール・グレアム(Wikipediaのページ)は起業家・投資家でベンチャーキャピタル「Y Combinator」の創業者としても有名な人物です。エッセイをまとめたものは「ハッカーと画家」として出版もされています。
[amazonjs asin=”4274065979″ locale=”JP” tmpl=”Small” title=”ハッカーと画家 コンピュータ時代の創造者たち”]
下の文章はFunders and Founders「Why to Not Not Start a Startup」を日本語訳したものです。
Too Young.
The median age of startup founders is 27. Being too young is not about biological age. It’s about maturity. Would you feel like an equal talking to your employees who might be older than you? What if your investor or your co-founder said “your idea is stupid”. Would you agree or would you rebel? A kid would do either of these things. An adult would ask why.
Too Inexperienced.
The only 2 ways to get experience is to work for someone else or to work for yourself. Working for someone else gives you the experience of working for someone else. That’s not what you need in a startup. So the best way to get experience in startups is to start one.
Not determined enough.
You can’t get good at math through determination. To be good at math you need to learn the rules and then manipulate those rules. In startups there are no rules. So the determination to make up the rules and make them work can get you as far in startups, as your talent can get you in math.
Not smart enough.
If you are smart enough to worry that you are not smart enough, you probably are.
Newbie in business.
What does it really mean when people say they know a lot about business? What business? Since startups by definition are new businesses with new business models, no one really knows about these businesses. So it’s OK if you don’t know, but be prepared to be the first one to find out.
No co-founder.
Startups are stressful, demanding, and all-consuming. Sounds a lot like life. Most people go through life with partners. So why would you want to go through a startup by yourself? There is a good chance it will be too much to bare for one person.
No idea.
Luckily ideas are free. And many startups change their idea midway anyway, so if you start with a not-so-good idea, and then turn it into a good one, you’ll be like most startups.
No room for startups.
Some gawkers comment that there are too many startups. That’s like saying that too many people are trying to solve world’s problems. There are enough problems in the world, big and small, for as many people as are willing to start a startup.
Family to support.
Most startups do not generate revenue for the first while. Revenue-free lifestyle may not be possible for people with families to support. There is always another way though. Consulting or building a paid product can give almost immediate income.
Independently wealthy.
Although few people have the problem of being so rich that it would discourage them from starting a startup, some are. For those people it’s still more exciting to work with people who may not be so rich.
Afraid of commitment.
Startup will take away your freedom. So if you value it more than anything, don’t do a startup. But that means you should not get a job either. If your startup succeeds, though, you may discover a new kind of freedom that is otherwise unavailable, like freedom to deliver products to millions of people.
Need for structure.
Some people say that they prefer a job because it gives them structure. It’s a nice euphemism. But really it means that they need someone else to tell them what to do. If that is you, don’t do a startup. Even many prestigious jobs don’t want to tell you what to do, though. So it may be better to look for structure elsewhere.
Fear of uncertainty.
There is not much uncertainty in startups – most of them fail. But a few don’t. So prepare for the worst, and hope for the best.
Blind to the alternative.
If you ever had a job, you know how damaging those are.
Parents want a doctor.
Parents protect you from risks, which also protects you from rewards.
A job is the default.
Getting a job is a tradition that is only 100 years old. Before that the default was farming.
- 若すぎる
- 経験がなさ過ぎる
- 決意が足りない
- 頭が良くない
- そのビジネスをよく知らない
- 共同創業者がいない
- アイデアがない
- スタートアップの余地がない
- 家族を支えなくてはならない
- お金持ち
- 全力を出せない
- 指示が必要
- 不確実性を恐れる
- 他の選択肢がない
- 両親が医者になることを願っている
- 職に就くとことが当然という考え
オリジナルは起業家・投資家のPaul Graham(ポール・グレアム)の2007年のエッセイです。どれかに当てはまっていても成功した起業家は沢山いるとは思いますが、これから起業家になろうとする人への教訓として活かせそうなものばかりです。